2024. "Does Sportswashing Work? First Insights from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar." The Journal of Politics (Online First) [with Adam Scharpf and Pearce Edwards]
2024. "Media Impact on Perceptions in Postwar Societies: Insights from Nepal" Conflict Management and Peace Science (Online First): 1-36 [with Sabine Carey and Katrin Paula]
2023. "The Political Effects of Witnessing State Atrocities: Evidence from the Nazi Death Marches." Comparative Political Studies (Online First): 1-36 [with Alexander de Juan, Felix Haaß, and Adam Scharpf]
2023. "International Sports Events and Repression in Autocracies: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup." American Political Science Review 117(3): 909 - 926 [with Adam Scharpf and Pearce Edwards]
2022. "Career Pressures and Organizational Evil: A Novel Perspective on the Study of Organized Violence." International Studies Review 24(3): 1-23 [with Adam Scharpf]
2022. "Divergent Perceptions of Peace in Post-conflict Societies: Insights from Sri Lanka." Journal of Conflict Resolution 66(9): 1589–1618 [with Sabine Carey and Belén González]
2020. "Sometimes Less Is More: Censorship, News Falsification, and Disapproval in 1989 East Germany." American Journal of Political Science 64(3): 682-698 [with Katrin Paula]
2020. "Why Underachievers Dominate Secret Police Organizations: Evidence from Autocratic Argentina." American Journal of Political Science 64(4): 791-806 [with Adam Scharpf]
2020. "Grist to the Mill of Subversion: Strikes and Coups in Counterinsurgencies." European Journal of International Relations 26(4): 1032-1060 [with Belén González and Adam Scharpf]
2024. "The Authoritarian Security Apparatus: Officer Careers and the Trade-offs in Command." In Natasha Lindstaedt & Jeroen J.J. Van den Bosch (Eds.), Research Handbook on Authoritarianism (111–126). Edward Elgar Publishing [with Belén González and Adam Scharpf]